Anyhow, to make up for torturing you with that, I'm going to now torture you with this. It's long, I admit, but if you look at it in a few sittings, you'll be glad you did. It's really fascinating. And, of course, I'd like to read the guy's book.
Aside from legislative decision-making, this week has been all about food. Food security, the history of food, what makes good food, and, finally, my having given up dairy. Nobody knows how long this could last (especially not me) but I'm a few days in, and it's been alright. Positives: it forces me to eat way more vegetables, I'm ingesting far less cholesterol, I'm getting creative with cooking, I can't buy much crap anymore (no more candy bars or pizzas from school for me!) and my fiber intake is practically off the charts (which makes me fun at parties). Negatives: no more buying fun stuff at school (like candy bars or pizza) it takes a lot more effort, no more ice cream, and people think I'm insane. Giving up meat was very easy. Taking milk, cheese, and eggs out of the picture changes things considerably. But I really do like the challenge. It was what made being a vegetarian fun. I had to start being way more creative with my cooking. Now I just need to step that up a bit. Less cheese, more brown rice. I've been enjoying avocadoes a lot lately. Have you had one recently?

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