Sunday, February 18, 2007

In Which A Productive Week Is Blown To Bits

This week was reading week, which is meant to be a very productive time (as there are no classes) in which students catch up on their missed school work and get themselves organized for the last half of the term and all the impending papers.

Except, none of that actually happened, at least not for me.

Instead, I went floating, ate burritos, visited the Kew Gardens, and celebrated the Chinese New Year. I also read some of Trading Up: Consumer and Environmental Regulation in a Global Economy (David Vogel, 1995; Harvard University Press). And let me tell you, Professor Colin Provost was not joking when he said this was nearly a bedtime book. That man knows how to relax.

I also finished reading Christopher Moore's A Dirty Job, and I have to say: didn't like it. I didn't find it nearly as funny as Lamb, that being the only other book of his I've read and which I enjoyed immensely. This didn't strike me as funny or well-written at all. Bummer. And I was so excited.

I'm still working my way through Cat's Cradle, which must have you thinking, "That book is approximately 85 pages long, how can it possibly require a working-one's-way-through?" Well, I'll tell you that I've purposely only read a few pages a night (when I do have time to read it) and, furthermore, it is actually 191 pages long. Plus, when you've got David Vogel to fall sleep to, why go back to anything else?

Also, I've started eating dairy again as it was essential for my health. I'm also working my way toward eating fish. Who knows, by next week I could be eating raw bunny. Things seem to change pretty quickly for me.

Pictures forthcoming. Can I post movies here?

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