This is one of those weeks where all I need to do is get through it and I'll consider myself successful. Presentations, two papers, an economics assignment - it's enough to make your head explode!
I was up all night last night putting together my presentation on policy networks and the advocacy coalition framework, which was due today. At about 11:00 this morning (class at 2:00) my shaking hands were putting on the last touches of my very first power point presentation. I thought I'd take a quick glance at my email.
And what should be awaiting me but an email.
Obviously, you think to your rational self.
This was no ordinary email, but an email from the pixie-adorable Helen Holt, administrative assistant to the policy rock stars at the SPP, saying that "unfortunately" today's seminar for Theories and Actors of the Policy Process had to be cancelled.
I read it again. Rubbed my work-weary eyes. Read it a third time. Chuckled. I had this deep and abiding fear that my tiresome eyes were going delusional on me. But I've (since) checked a few times. It is there. And it is for real.
Well at least you're now ahead of the game!
Sadly, no. I've got a paper due Friday and I haven't even started it. And another presentation next week that I haven't started reading for. School is for losers...
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